Kumon, the world's largest after-school learning program, takes pride in the exceptional support they provide their franchisees. Kumon uses the Hyperlocology platform to back their 2,000+ North American franchisees (instructors) with brand-directed, local digital advertising programs. Kumon instructors can easily invest in local advertising to support their business needs, from new customer acquisition to hiring, all in a few clicks. Per-location results and business metrics are viewable in a single dashboard for instructors, the brand team, and field marketers.
In Q2 2022, the Kumon brand team had a goal to increase parent orientations at Kumon Centers in the US and Canada. To have the highest impact they knew brand advertising needed to target custom market areas and custom local audiences around each of their centers. Also, all instructors who participated with their own money required their budgets dedicated to their locations.
Using Hyperlocology, Kumon turned brand advertising into individual local campaigns with dedicated location budgets, custom targeting, localized creative, and location-specific landing pages. The campaign targeted prospective parents across multiple channels; Facebook, Instagram, Google search, and retargeting into programmatic display.
In addition to streamlined local advertising, the Kumon brand team elevated their collaboration with instructors with Hyperlocology’s Brand Match. With this feature, participating instructors automatically received a matching budget from the brand, within pre-set parameters and tiers. Basically, if instructors invested money into advertising in their business, the brand contributed additional money to support their business.
This national to local collaboration highlighted Kumon’s commitment to their instructors and furthered their ability to support their instructors’ digital marketing at the local level. It also generated great results compared to a year earlier!
45% increase in participating centers
82% more local spend in market
333% more site visitors
29% more trackable digital leads
“With Hyperlocology we’re building transparency with our franchisees by delivering brand-aligned advertising that’s customized for each center. Now, the ability to easily reward our franchisees who invest in local advertising with additional brand dollars, using the Brand Match feature, has taken our support for franchisees to the next level. Our franchisees are really happy.”
Leah Coyle, VP Branding at Kumon
To learn more about Hyperlocology to execute and analyze your ad fund marketing or local store marketing programs, reach out to hello@hyperlocology.com.