Hyperlocology has recently forged a strategic partnership with Dog Haus, a renowned gourmet hot dog and burger chain. As the advertising platform of record for Dog Haus, Hyperlocology will serve as the catalyst for seamless national-to-local advertising, revolutionizing the franchisee experience and opening new doors for business growth. This exciting collaboration aims to enhance the visibility and reach of Dog Haus franchisees, providing them with a powerful toolset to drive success in their local markets.
Check out the article in QSR Magazine: Dog Haus Announces Hyperlocology as Lead Advertising Partner
Connecting National-to-Local Advertising Seamlessly:
Hyperlocology's partnership with Dog Haus marks a significant milestone in the realm of national-to-local advertising. By leveraging Hyperlocology's advanced advertising platform, Dog Haus can seamlessly connect its national brand messaging to its individual franchise locations, ensuring a consistent and cohesive marketing strategy across the entire network. This unified approach helps franchisees maintain a strong brand identity while tailoring their advertising efforts to suit the unique needs of their local markets.
According to Dog Haus Co-founding partner André Vener: “Adding Hyperlocology’s technology provides location-specific targeting and relevance, ensuring our franchisees’ brand-directed campaigns are on target.”
Benefits to Franchisees:
The partnership between Hyperlocology and Dog Haus brings forth numerous benefits to franchisees, empowering them to take control of their local advertising initiatives. Here's a closer look at some of the advantages:
Enhanced Targeting: Hyperlocology's platform equips Dog Haus franchisees with sophisticated targeting capabilities, allowing them to launch brand-directed campaigns in a few clicks targeted to specific demographics, audiences, and communities This intuitive approach to local advertising, and precision targeting, ensures that advertising investments are maximized by reaching the right audience at the right time, powered by brand data and guided by AI powered recommendations.
Increased Visibility: With Hyperlocology's technology, Dog Haus franchisees gain local visibility into brand ad fund advertising in their community across various channels, including online advertising, social media campaigns, and targeted promotions. This heightened exposure builds trust with franchisees, and enables franchisees to participate in brand adveritsing to attract new customers, increase foot traffic, and ultimately boost their revenue.
Consistent Brand Messaging and Strategy: Maintaining brand consistency is crucial for a franchise network, and Hyperlocology understands this requirement. By streamlining national-to-local advertising, the platform ensures that Dog Haus franchisees can communicate the same brand messaging, promotions, and campaigns as the national level while adapting it to resonate with their local customer base.
Cost Efficiency: Hyperlocology's advanced analytics and data-driven approach enable franchisees to optimize their advertising spend effectively. By identifying the most effective channels and campaigns, franchisees can allocate their budgets strategically, maximizing their return on investment and minimizing wasted resources.
With Hyperlocology's platform, Dog Haus franchisees gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and strategies that empower them to elevate their local marketing efforts while staying true to the brand's national messaging. The seamless connection between national and local advertising not only enhances franchisee visibility but also promotes growth, customer engagement, and revenue generation.
To learn more about this exciting collaboration between Hyperlocology and Dog Haus, please read the article here.
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